Festive greetings everyone, today’s Advent Calendar is the final one this year, so we have a Christmas treat for you. It features Co-op Wincanton with Malcolm from our distribution centre singing at Glamis Hall Day Centre in their VIP Lounge. Co-op Wincanton are based in Wellingborough and deliver to 365 Co-op stores from Felixstowe to Uppingham to Rugby to Abingdon to Watford. They employ 650 people in Wellingborough and support good causes locally…

Wincanton have pledged a million volunteering hours in local communities across the UK, and in Wellingborough, Rushden and Higham Ferrers they are supporting our Local Causes including The Never Alone Project and Wellingborough Eco Group’s ECO HUB. Members of staff from Co-op Wincanton regularly litter pick at Tuesday Tidy Ups with Wellie Wombles, and they regularly donate items to Food Sharers, Happy Cafe and Eco Club for Kids at ECO HUB to help support local people.
This year I have had the pleasure of building a great working relationship with Ed, their Stock Manager and with Phil, their Community Liaison Manager, who also recently attended our Welcome and Celebration events for Local Causes in Wellingborough, Rushden and Higham Ferrers. I am working with them to connect with Co-op Local Causes and our Wellingborough Organisations partners to facilitate good things, like this special performance, in our community.
Watch the video for a brief introduction from me, Malcolm and Phil, and then a couple of the Day Centre’s favourite songs. The whole performance was generously appreciated by the VIP Club! I would like to say a massive thank you to Phil, Ed, Malcolm and the whole team at Co-op Wincanton for all of the support that they have given me and for the good things that we have done together for good people this year. I hope that you enjoy the video and have a very Merry Christmas.