Hello, today’s Advent Calendar window opens for 1st Wellingborough Scouts. Their Beavers and Cubs had their Christmas treat at the bowling last night! Scouts at 1st Wellingborough starts at 6 years old with Beavers and then moves on to Cubs at 8 to 10 and a half years old. There’s always lots to do and learn at 1st Wellingborough, and the focus is on having a good time.
1st Wellingborough Scouts are the ones that are based at the district headquarters at Dale End on Croyland Road in Wellingborough. They meet every week during term time, the Beavers meet on Mondays and the Cubs meet after them on Mondays. From the age of 10 and a half Cubs move up to Scouts until the age of 14 and they meet on Tuesdays.
When you join Beavers or Cubs, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. Completing awards challenges you to do more, learn more and be more. Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. There are badges for almost everything, trips out and of course camping too!
Watch the video to hear Ash talk about Beavers, Justine talk about Cubs, and Barry telling you all about how the Co-op is supporting 1st Wellingborough Scouts, to keep the fees down and to provide some much needed kit. You can support 1st Wellingborough Scouts too by choosing them as your Co-op local cause. I hope that you enjoy this video, have a Merry Christmas.