Today’s Advent Calendar window opens for Higham Gateway Club, a registered charity that provides social and leisure opportunities for adults with a learning disability. Their membership covers a wide range of abilities and circumstances. They are affiliated to Mencap and led by volunteers, and tonight was Christmas film night, which is why this post is a bit late!

They meet weekly and enjoy a wide variety of activities, some of which their members would be unable to access independently. They have a coffee morning on Saturday December 9th 10-11.30am at Hope Methodist Hall, opposite the Co-op in Higham Ferrers. Tea, coffee, the famous bacon baps, tombola, cakes and lots more. All monies raised will help Gateway to continue having fun. Pop in to find out more about them and find them on Facebook too.
They receive no direct funding, so have to raise all their funds through members’ weekly subs, fundraising, grants and donations, which is why the Co-op are pleased to help them as one of our local causes this year. You can raise funds for them too by choosing them as your cause on the Co-op app or at and donate every time you shop with your little blue card. I hope that you enjoy the video where Seth, Gateway Leader, tells you all about this great club!