Not one but two Celebration events in Wellingborough today, great fun, great payouts, and appreciated by all. Thank you Co-op customers for supporting our causes!
Thank you Mary at Redeem Funds and Nikky from Family Support Link for joining us to celebrate their payouts. Unfortunately John from Wellingborough Street Pastors is unwell, but I have saved a payout frame for him and have promised to take him to both stores when he’s feeling better.
Thank you to Caroline and Nicola from Teamwork Trust and to Judy from Wellingborough Eco Group for coming to represent this year’s causes and to introduce themselves. Stephanie from Iris May Butterfly Kisses was otherwise engaged, but we have agreed to do introductions soon.
Thank you to both stores for accomodating us, thank you to Linda from Olympic Way and Rox and Leah from Redhill for joining in with today’s Celebrations at your stores. Great to work with you all!